Providing counselling and support services throughout the Durham Region.
Amazing Grace
I have listened to the hymn Amazing Grace for years. Now I know what it means. I recently watched two souls say goodbye online, one I met in real life, one I did not; both are examples of radical acceptance at end of life. I invite you
✔ Emotional Regulation during trying times…
When people come to me for support, I will ask them to fill out an informed consent form, and depending on the nature of their request, I will offer them the following tips for emotional regulation, with a self-care handout: Self-care and mindfulnes
💕self-care plan for bereavement
When a person approaches me for support, I send them an informed consent form, along with a self care plan. The following is my plan for grief and bereavement: Things to Remember when grieving: Numbness, shock, and disbelief are natural feelings t